get('page', 1); $pageSize = $request->get('pageSize', 20); $days = $request->get('days', []); $classify = $request->get('classify',''); $categoryId = $request->get('category_id',''); $goodsName = $request->get('goods_name',''); $premisesId = $request->get('premises_id',''); $payType = $request->get('pay_type',''); if (!empty($days)) { $days[0] = strtotime($days[0]); $days[1] = strtotime($days[1]); if (date('m', $days[0]) != date('m', $days[1])) { return json_fail('暂不支持跨月查询'); } $month = date('Ym', $days[0]); $days[1] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $days[1]) . " 23:59:59"); } else { $month = date('Ym'); } $categorySearchIds = ''; if (!empty($categoryId)){ $categorySearchPath = SysCategory::where('category_id',$categoryId)->value('category_super_path'); $categorySearchPath .= '#'. $categoryId.'#'; $categorySearchIds = SysCategory::where('category_super_path','like',$categorySearchPath.'%')->pluck('category_id')->toArray(); $categorySearchIds = array_merge($categorySearchIds,[$categoryId]); $categorySearchIds = implode(',',$categorySearchIds); } $recordStart = ($page - 1) * 20; $where = "where 1"; if (!empty($days)) { $where .= " and di.data_income_addtimes between {$days[0]} and {$days[1]}"; } if (!empty($classify)){ $where .= " and di.data_income_classify = '{$classify}'"; } if (!empty($categorySearchIds)){ $where .= " and g.join_goods_category_id in({$categorySearchIds})"; } if (!empty($goodsName)){ $where .= " and g.goods_name like '%{$goodsName}%' "; } if (!empty($premisesId)){ $where .= " and di.join_data_income_dept_id = {$premisesId}"; } if (!empty($payType)){ $where .= " and di.data_income_pay_type = '{$payType}'"; } $totalSql = " select count(*) as total from ( select data_income_classify from app_data_income_{$month} as di left join app_goods as g on REPLACE(JSON_EXTRACT(di.join_data_income_object_json,'$.sheet[0].goods_id'),'\"','') = g.goods_id {$where} group by JSON_EXTRACT(join_data_income_object_json,'$.sheet[0].goods_id'), JSON_EXTRACT(join_data_income_object_json,'$.sheet[0].goods_sku_id'),data_income_classify ) COUNT "; $total = Db::select($totalSql); $sql = "select g.join_goods_category_id,di.data_income_classify,g.goods_id,g.goods_name,g.goods_classify, gs.goods_sku_specs_json,gs.goods_sku_id,gs.goods_sku_sales_price,MAX(di.data_income_addtimes) as addtimes, SUM(JSON_EXTRACT(di.join_data_income_object_json,'$.sheet[0].order_sheet_num')) as num,SUM(di.data_income_amount) as amount,COUNT(*) as count from app_data_income_{$month} as di left join app_goods as g on REPLACE(JSON_EXTRACT(di.join_data_income_object_json,'$.sheet[0].goods_id'),'\"','') = CAST(g.goods_id AS CHAR) left join app_goods_sku as gs on JSON_EXTRACT(di.join_data_income_object_json,'$.sheet[0].goods_sku_id') = gs.goods_sku_id {$where} group by g.goods_id,gs.goods_sku_id,di.data_income_classify order by addtimes desc limit " . $recordStart . ',' . $pageSize; $rows = Db::select($sql); $rows = json_decode(json_encode($rows), true); $categoryIds = array_unique(array_filter(array_column($rows, 'join_goods_category_id'))); $categorys = SysCategory::whereIn('category_id', $categoryIds)->pluck('category_name', 'category_id')->toArray(); foreach ($rows as &$row) { if (!empty($row['join_goods_category_id']) && isset($categorys[$row['join_goods_category_id']])) { $row['category_name'] = $categorys[$row['join_goods_category_id']]; } if (!empty($row['goods_sku_specs_json'])) { $specsJson = json_decode($row['goods_sku_specs_json'], true); $skuTitle = ''; foreach ($specsJson as $k => $value) { $value = is_array($value) ? $value[0] : $value; $skuTitle .= $k . ':' . $value . ';'; } $row['sku'] = rtrim($skuTitle, ';'); } } return json_success('', [ 'page' => $page, 'pageSize' => $pageSize, 'total' => $total[0]->total, 'rows' => $rows ]); } public function statistics(Request $request) { $days = $request->get('days', []); $classify = $request->get('classify',''); $categoryId = $request->get('category_id',''); $goodsName = $request->get('goods_name',''); $premisesId = $request->get('premises_id',''); $payType = $request->get('pay_type',''); if (!empty($days)) { $days[0] = strtotime($days[0]); $days[1] = strtotime($days[1]); if (date('m', $days[0]) != date('m', $days[1])) { return json_fail('暂不支持跨月查询'); } $month = date('Ym', $days[0]); $days[1] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $days[1]) . " 23:59:59"); } else { $month = date('Ym'); } $categorySearchIds = ''; if (!empty($categoryId)){ $categorySearchPath = SysCategory::where('category_id',$categoryId)->value('category_super_path'); $categorySearchPath .= '#'. $categoryId.'#'; $categorySearchIds = SysCategory::where('category_super_path','like',$categorySearchPath.'%')->pluck('category_id')->toArray(); $categorySearchIds = array_merge($categorySearchIds,[$categoryId]); $categorySearchIds = implode(',',$categorySearchIds); } $where = "where 1"; if (!empty($days)) { $where .= " and di.data_income_addtimes between {$days[0]} and {$days[1]}"; } if (!empty($classify)){ $where .= " and di.data_income_classify = '{$classify}'"; } if (!empty($categorySearchIds)){ $where .= " and g.join_goods_category_id in({$categorySearchIds})"; } if (!empty($goodsName)){ $where .= " and g.goods_name like '%{$goodsName}%' "; } if (!empty($premisesId)){ $where .= " and di.join_data_income_dept_id = {$premisesId}"; } if (!empty($payType)){ $where .= " and di.data_income_pay_type = '{$payType}'"; } $statisticsSql = " select SUM(JSON_EXTRACT(join_data_income_object_json,'$.sheet[0].order_sheet_num')) as num,SUM(data_income_amount) as amount,COUNT(*) as count from app_data_income_{$month} as di left join app_goods as g on REPLACE(JSON_EXTRACT(di.join_data_income_object_json,'$.sheet[0].goods_id'),'\"','') = g.goods_id {$where} "; $statistics = []; $category = ['all', 'entity', 'service', 'package']; foreach ($category as $item) { $execSql = $statisticsSql; if ($item == 'entity') { $execSql .= " and data_income_classify in('GOODS')"; } elseif ($item == 'service') { $execSql .= " and data_income_classify in('MEALS','CHNMED')"; } elseif ($item == 'package') { $execSql .= " and data_income_classify = 'PACKAGE'"; } $res = Db::select($execSql . ' limit 1'); $statistics[$item] = $res[0]; } return json_success('', $statistics); } }