where('dept_category', '=', TeamService::DEPT_CATEGORY)->pluck('dept_id')->toArray(); } $where[] = [function($query) use ($deptIds) { $query->whereIn('dept_id', $deptIds); }]; } else { if (!empty($params['dept_id'])) { $deptId = end($params['dept_id']); $deptIds = SysDept::where('dept_super_path','like', "%/{$deptId}/%")->where('dept_category', '=', TeamService::DEPT_CATEGORY)->pluck('dept_id')->toArray(); $where[] = [function($query) use ($deptIds) { $query->whereIn('dept_id', $deptIds); }]; } } if (!empty($params['name'])) { $keywords = $params['name']; $where[] = [function($query) use ($keywords) { $query->orWhere('name', 'like', "%{$keywords}%")->orWhere('mobile', 'like', "%{$keywords}%"); }]; } if (!empty($params['report_status'])) { if ($params['report_status'] == -1) { //待审核 $where[] = ['check_status', '=', 1]; } else { $where[] = ['check_status', '=', 2]; } if ($params['report_status'] == 1) { //已报备 $where[] = [function($query) use ($diffNums, $currentTime) { $query->whereRaw("((visit_time + {$diffNums}) - {$currentTime} > 0)")->where('current_status', '=', 1); }]; } else if ($params['report_status'] == 3) { //已锁定 $where[] = [function($query) { $query->whereIn('current_status', [2,3,4]); }]; } else if ($params['report_status'] == 2) { //已失效 $where[] = [function($query) use ($diffNums, $currentTime){ $query->orWhere('current_status', '=', -1)->orWhereRaw("((visit_time + {$diffNums}) - {$currentTime} <= 0 AND current_status = 1 AND check_status = 2)"); }]; } } if (!empty($params['consultant_name'])) { $consultantIds = Consultant::where('name', 'like', "%{$params['consultant_name']}%")->pluck('id'); $where[] = [function($query) use ($consultantIds) { $query->whereIn('consultant_id', $consultantIds); }]; } if (!empty($params['type'])) { $where[] = ['type', '=', $params['type']]; } if (!empty($params['visit_time'])) { $datetime = $params['visit_time']; $datetime[0] = strtotime($datetime[0]); $datetime[1] = strtotime($datetime[1]); $where[] = [function($query) use ($datetime) { $query->whereBetween('visit_time', $datetime); }]; } if (!empty($params['visit_date'])) { $visitDate = $params['visit_date']; $visitDate[0] = strtotime($visitDate[0].' 00:00:00'); $visitDate[1] = strtotime($visitDate[1].' 23:59:59'); $where[] = [function($query) use ($visitDate) { $query->whereBetween('visit_time', $visitDate); }]; } if (!empty($params['created_date'])) { $createdDate = $params['created_date']; $createdDate[0] = strtotime($createdDate[0].' 00:00:00'); $createdDate[1] = strtotime($createdDate[1].' 23:59:59'); $where[] = [function($query) use ($createdDate) { $query->whereBetween('created_at', $createdDate); }]; } if (!empty($params['current_status'])) { $currentStatus = $params['current_status']; $where[] = [function($query) use ($currentStatus){ $query->where('current_status', '=', $currentStatus)->where('check_status', '=', 2); }]; } if (!empty($params['consultant_id'])) { $where[] = ['consultant_id', '=', $params['consultant_id']]; } if (!empty($params['custom'])) { $keywords = $params['custom']; $where[] = [function($query) use ($keywords) { $query->orWhere('name', 'like', "%{$keywords}%")->orWhere('mobile', 'like', "%{$keywords}%"); }]; } if (!empty($params['check_status'])) { $where[] = ['check_status', '=', $params['check_status']]; } if (!empty($params['stat_report_status'])) { //已报备 1 $statReportStatus = $params['stat_report_status']; if ($statReportStatus == 1) { $where[] = [function($query) use ($diffNums, $currentTime) { $query->whereRaw("((visit_time + {$diffNums}) - {$currentTime} > 0)")->where('current_status', '=', 1)->where('check_status', '=', 2); }]; } //已锁定 2 if ($statReportStatus == 2) { $where[] = [function($query) { $query->whereIn('current_status', [2,3,4])->where('check_status', '=', 2); }]; } //已失效 -1 if ($statReportStatus == -1) { $where[] = [function($query) use ($diffNums, $currentTime){ $query->orWhere('current_status', '=', -1)->orWhereRaw("((visit_time + {$diffNums}) - {$currentTime} <= 0 AND current_status = 1 AND check_status = 2)")->orWhere('check_status', '=', -1); }]; } } return $where; } /** * Notes: 列表 * User: yb * Date: 2024/8/6 * Time: 15:07 * @param Request $request */ public static function index(Request $request) { $format = $request->get('format', 'normal'); $limit = (int)$request->get('pageSize', $format === 'tree' ? 1000 : 10); $limit = $limit <= 0 ? 10 : $limit; $params = $request->get(); $page = (int)$request->get('page'); $page = $page > 0 ? $page : 1; $currentTime = time(); $diffNums = self::DIFF_TIME; $where = self::commonSearch($params); $paginator = MarketCustomer::where($where)->orderBy('visit_time', 'desc')->paginate($limit, '*', 'page', $page); $total = $paginator->total(); $items = $paginator->items(); if (!empty($items)) { $consultantKeys = []; $consultantIds = $paginator->pluck('consultant_id')->toArray(); if (!empty($consultantIds)) { //去重 $consultantIds = array_unique($consultantIds); //排序 $consultantIds = array_values($consultantIds); //查询顾问信息 $consultantList = Consultant::whereIn('id', $consultantIds)->select(['id', 'name', 'mobile'])->get(); if (!$consultantList->isEmpty()) { foreach ($consultantList->toArray() as $consultantItem) { $consultantKeys[$consultantItem['id']] = $consultantItem; } } } $teamKeys = TeamService::getItemKeys(); foreach ($items as &$item) { $visitTime = $item->visit_time; $visitTimeStamp = strtotime($visitTime); $diff = ($visitTimeStamp + $diffNums) - $currentTime; $item->diff_nums = ($diff > 0) ? $diff : 0; $item->consultant_name = $consultantKeys[$item->consultant_id]['name'] ?? ''; $item->consultant_mobile = $consultantKeys[$item->consultant_id]['mobile'] ?? ''; $item->team_name = TeamService::getTeamName($teamKeys, $item->dept_id); $item->mask_mobile = self::handlePhone($item->mobile); } } $data = [ 'total' => $total, 'rows' => $items ]; return json_success('success', $data); } /** * Notes: 添加客户 * User: yb * Date: 2024/8/6 * Time: 11:20 */ public static function add($params) { $params = MarketCustomer::handleNumParams($params); $mobile = $params['mobile']; //查询客户手机号是否已经存在 if (MarketCustomer::checkCustomExists($mobile)) { return json_fail('客户已经登记过了'); } //查询顾问信息 $consultantId = $params['consultant_id']; $consultantInfo = Consultant::firstWhere(['id' => $consultantId]); if (empty($consultantInfo)) { return json_fail('顾问信息不存在'); } $deptId = $consultantInfo->dept_id; $insertData = [ 'name' => $params['name'], 'mobile' => $mobile, 'consultant_id' => $consultantId, 'dept_id' => $deptId, 'gender' => $params['gender'] ?? null, 'visit_type' => $params['visit_type'] ?? null, 'require_area' => $params['require_area'] ?? null, 'area' => $params['area'] ?? null, 'requirement' => $params['requirement'] ?? null, 'age_range' => $params['age_range'] ?? null, 'focus' => $params['focus'] ?? null, 'region' => $params['region'] ?? null, 'purpose' => $params['purpose'] ?? null, 'level' => $params['level'] ?? null, 'type' => $params['type'] ?? null, 'check_status' => 1, 'visit_time' => $params['visit_time'] ?? null, 'note' => $params['note'] ?? '', 'current_status' => $params['current_status'] ?? null, 'created_at' => time() ]; Db::beginTransaction(); try { //查询会员表中是否存在该客户 // $memberId = Member::where('member_mobile', $insertData['mobile'])->value('member_id'); // if (empty($memberId)) { // $result = MemberService::add([ // 'account_name'=> $insertData['name'], // 'member_category' => '售房客户', // 'mobile' => $insertData['mobile'], // 'source' => 'HOUSE']); // $code = $result->getStatusCode(); // if ($code == 200) { // $content = $result->rawBody(); // if (is_json($content)) { // $content = json_decode($content, 1); // if ($content['code'] == 200) { // $memberId = $content['data']['member_id']; // } else { // throw new BusinessException('新增会员失败'); // } // } else { // throw new BusinessException('新增会员失败'); // } // } else { // throw new BusinessException('新增会员失败'); // } // } // $insertData['member_id'] = $memberId; $customId = MarketCustomer::insertGetId($insertData); Db::commit(); }catch (BusinessException|\Exception $e){ Db::rollBack(); return json_fail($e->getMessage()); } if ($customId) { return json_success('添加成功'); } else { return json_fail('添加失败'); } } /** * Notes: 编辑客户 * User: yb * Date: 2024/8/6 * Time: 16:53 * @param $params */ public static function update($params) { $params = MarketCustomer::handleNumParams($params); $mobile = $params['mobile']; //查询客户手机号是否已经存在 if (MarketCustomer::checkCustomExists($mobile, $params['id'])) { return json_fail('客户已经登记过了'); } $updateData = [ 'name' => $params['name'], 'mobile' => $params['mobile'], 'gender' => $params['gender'] ?? null, 'visit_type' => $params['visit_type'] ?? null, 'require_area' => $params['require_area'] ?? null, 'area' => $params['area'] ?? null, 'requirement' => $params['requirement'] ?? null, 'age_range' => $params['age_range'] ?? null, 'focus' => $params['focus'] ?? null, 'region' => $params['region'] ?? null, 'purpose' => $params['purpose'] ?? null, 'level' => $params['level'] ?? null, 'type' => $params['type'] ?? null, 'note' => $params['note'] ?? '', 'current_status' => $params['current_status'] ?? null, 'updated_at' => time() ]; if (!empty($params['update_visit_time'])) { if ($params['update_visit_time'] == 1) { $updateData['visit_time'] = $params['visit_time'] ?? null; } } $result = MarketCustomer::where('id', $params['id'])->update($updateData); if ($result) { return json_success('编辑成功'); } else { return json_fail('编辑失败'); } } /** * Notes: 删除客户 * User: yb * Date: 2024/8/2 * Time: 13:33 * @param $ids * @return \support\Response */ public static function delete($ids) { if (!$ids) { return json_fail("数据错误"); } if (!is_array($ids)) { $ids = [$ids]; } try { if (is_array($ids)) { MarketCustomer::whereIn('id', $ids)->delete(); } else { MarketCustomer::where('id', $ids)->delete(); } } catch (\Exception $e) { return json_fail('删除失败'); } return json_success('删除成功'); } /** * Notes: 跟进记录 * User: yb * Date: 2024/8/7 * Time: 9:00 * @param Request $request */ public static function follow(Request $request) { $format = $request->get('format', 'normal'); $limit = (int)$request->get('pageSize', $format === 'tree' ? 1000 : 10); $limit = $limit <= 0 ? 10 : $limit; $params = $request->get(); $page = (int)$request->get('page'); $page = $page > 0 ? $page : 1; $where = []; $whereCustom = []; $whereConsultant = []; if (!empty($params['market_customer_id'])) { $marketCustomerIds = $params['market_customer_id']; $where[] = [function($query) use ($marketCustomerIds) { $query->whereIn('market_customer_id', $marketCustomerIds); }]; } if (!empty($params['consultant_id'])) { $consultantId = $params['consultant_id']; $where[] = [function($query) use ($consultantId) { $query->whereIn('consultant_id', $consultantId); }]; } if (!empty($params['follow_way'])) { $where[] = ['follow_way', '=', $params['follow_way']]; } if (!empty($params['custom'])) { $custom = $params['custom']; $whereCustom[] = [function($query) use ($custom) { $query->orWhere('name', 'like', "%{$custom}%")->orWhere('mobile', 'like', "%{$custom}%"); }]; } if (!empty($params['consultant'])) { $consultant = $params['consultant']; $whereConsultant[] = [function($query) use ($consultant) { $query->orWhere('name', 'like', "%{$consultant}%")->orWhere('mobile', 'like', "%{$consultant}%"); }]; } $paginator = MarketCustomerFollow::with(['custom', 'consultant'])->whereHas('custom', function($query) use ($whereCustom){ $query->where($whereCustom); })->whereHas('consultant', function($query) use ($whereConsultant) { $query->where($whereConsultant); })->where($where)->orderBy('follow_time', 'desc')->paginate($limit, '*', 'page', $page); $total = $paginator->total(); $items = $paginator->items(); foreach ($items as &$item) { if (!empty($item->custom)) { $item->custom->mask_mobile = self::handlePhone($item->custom->mobile); } } $data = [ 'total' => $total, 'rows' => $items ]; return json_success('success', $data); } /** * Notes: 删除跟进记录 * User: yb * Date: 2024/8/7 * Time: 11:25 * @param $ids */ public static function deleteFollow($ids) { if (!$ids) { return json_fail("数据错误"); } if (!is_array($ids)) { $ids = [$ids]; } try { if (is_array($ids)) { MarketCustomerFollow::whereIn('id', $ids)->delete(); } else { MarketCustomerFollow::where('id', $ids)->delete(); } } catch (\Exception $e) { return json_fail('删除失败'); } return json_success('删除成功'); } /** * Notes: 转移客户 * User: yb * Date: 2024/8/7 * Time: 14:27 * @param $params */ public static function moveCustom($params) { $userId = JwtToken::getCurrentId(); $currentConsultantId = $params['consultant_id']; //当前顾问 $consultantIds = $params['move_consultant_id'] ?? []; $customIds = $params['move_market_customer_id'] ?? []; $note = $params['note'] ?? ''; $consultantInfo = Consultant::firstWhere(['id' => $currentConsultantId]); if (empty($consultantInfo)) { return json_fail('顾问不存在'); } $currentDeptId = $consultantInfo->dept_id; //当前部门 $logsInertData = []; $now = time(); $whereCustom = []; if (!empty($customIds)) { $whereCustom[] = [function($query) use ($customIds) { $query->whereIn('id', $customIds); }]; } if (!empty($consultantIds)) { $whereCustom[] = [function($query) use ($consultantIds) { $query->whereIn('consultant_id', $consultantIds); }]; } $customList = MarketCustomer::where($whereCustom)->select(['id','consultant_id','dept_id'])->get(); if (!$customList->isEmpty()) { foreach ($customList as$item) { $logsInertData[] = [ 'market_customer_id' => $item->id, 'consultant_id' => $currentConsultantId, 'dept_id' => $currentDeptId, 'before_consultant_id' => $item->consultant_id, 'before_dept_id' => $item->dept_id, 'note' => $note, 'change_user_id' => $userId, 'created_at' => $now ]; } } if ($customList->isEmpty()) { return json_fail('移交的客户信息不存在'); } if (empty($logsInertData)) { return json_fail('移交记录不能为空'); } Db::beginTransaction(); $result = false; try { foreach ($customList as $item) { $item->consultant_id = $currentConsultantId; $item->dept_id = $currentDeptId; $item->save(); } $result = MarketCustomerLogs::insert($logsInertData); Db::commit(); }catch (BusinessException|\Exception $e) { Db::rollBack(); return json_fail($e->getMessage()); } if ($result) { return json_success('移交成功'); } else { return json_fail('移交失败'); } } /** * Notes: 转移记录 * User: yb * Date: 2024/8/7 * Time: 15:33 * @param Request $request */ public static function moveLogs(Request $request) { $format = $request->get('format', 'normal'); $limit = (int)$request->get('pageSize', $format === 'tree' ? 1000 : 10); $limit = $limit <= 0 ? 10 : $limit; $params = $request->get(); $page = (int)$request->get('page'); $page = $page > 0 ? $page : 1; $platform = 0; $where = []; $whereCustom = []; $whereCurrent = []; $whereBefore = []; $whereOpBack = []; $whereOpFront = []; if (!empty($params['market_customer_id'])) { $where[] = ['market_customer_id', '=', $params['market_customer_id']]; } if (!empty($params['consultant_id'])) { $consultantIds = $params['consultant_id']; $where[] = [function($query) use ($consultantIds) { $query->orWhereIn('consultant_id', $consultantIds)->orWhereIn('before_consultant_id', $consultantIds); }]; } if (!empty($params['custom'])) { //客户信息 $custom = $params['custom']; $whereCustom[] = ['name', 'like', "%{$custom}%"]; } if (!empty($params['current_consultant'])) { //当前员工信息 $current = $params['current_consultant']; $whereCurrent[] = ['name', 'like', "%{$current}%"]; } if (!empty($params['before_consultant'])) { //转移前员工信息 $before = $params['before_consultant']; $whereBefore[] = ['name', 'like', "%{$before}%"]; } if (!empty($params['platform'])) { $platform = $params['platform']; if ($platform == 1) { //后台 $where[] = ['change_user_id', '<>', null]; $where[] = ['change_user_id', '=', null]; } else { //小程序 $where[] = ['change_user_id', '=', null]; $where[] = ['change_user_id', '<>', null]; } } if (!empty($params['op_name'])) { $opName = $params['op_name']; if (!empty($platform)) { if ($platform == 1) { $whereOpBack[] = ['user_name', 'like', "%{$opName}%"]; } else { $whereOpFront[] = ['name', 'like', "%{$opName}%"]; } } else { $whereOpBack[] = [function($query) use ($opName) { $query->orWhere('user_name', 'like', "%{$opName}%"); }]; $whereOpFront[] = [function($query) use ($opName) { $query->orWhere('name', 'like', "%{$opName}%"); }]; } } $paginator = MarketCustomerLogs::with(['custom', 'beforeMan', 'currentMan', 'opBackPerson', 'opFrontPerson']) ->whereHas('custom', function ($query) use ($whereCustom) { $query->where($whereCustom); }) ->whereHas('currentMan', function ($query) use ($whereCurrent) { $query->where($whereCurrent); }) ->whereHas('beforeMan', function ($query) use ($whereBefore) { $query->where($whereBefore); }) ->where($where) ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->paginate($limit, '*', 'page', $page); $total = $paginator->total(); $items = $paginator->items(); foreach ($items as &$item) { if (!empty($item->custom)) { $item->custom->mask_mobile = self::handlePhone($item->custom->mobile); } } $data = [ 'total' => $total, 'rows' => $items ]; return json_success('success', $data); } /** * Notes: 审核客户 * User: yb * Date: 2024/8/16 * Time: 11:21 * @param $params */ public static function checkCustom($params) { $adminId = JwtToken::getCurrentId(); //查询客户是否已经存在 $customId = $params['id']; $checkStatus = $params['check_status']; if (!in_array($checkStatus, [-1,2])) { return json_fail('状态值非法'); } $info = MarketCustomer::firstWhere(['id' => $customId]); if (empty($info)) { return json_fail('客户不存在'); } $status = $info->check_status; if ($status != 1) { return json_fail('客户不是待审核状态'); } $mobile = $info->mobile; if ($checkStatus == 2) { if (MarketCustomer::checkCustomExists($mobile)) { return json_fail('客户已经存在'); } } $result = false; Db::beginTransaction(); try { $info->check_status = $checkStatus; if ($checkStatus == -1) { //拒绝录入拒绝理由 $info->check_note = $params['note'] ?? '无拒绝理由'; } $info->check_time = time(); $info->check_admin_id = $adminId; $result = $info->save(); if ($checkStatus == 2) { //将其他待审的相同手机号的改拒绝 $where = [ ['mobile' , '=', $mobile], ['check_status', '=', 1], ['id', '<>', $customId] ]; MarketCustomer::where($where)->update(['check_time' => time(),'check_status' => -1,'check_note' => '客户已经被其他顾问报备']); } Db::commit(); }catch (BusinessException|\Exception $e){ Db::rollBack(); return json_fail($e->getMessage()); } if ($result) { return json_success('审核成功'); } else { return json_fail('审核失败'); } } /** * Notes: 数据统计分析 * User: yb * Date: 2024/8/17 * Time: 11:27 * @param $params */ public static function statisticsIndex(Request $request) { $params = $request->get(); $where = self::commonSearch($params); //客户总数 $total = MarketCustomer::where($where)->count(); //待审核 $checkTotal = MarketCustomer::where($where)->where('check_status', 1)->count(); //已报备 $reportTotal = MarketCustomer::where($where)->where( [[function($query) { $currentTime = time(); $diffNums = self::DIFF_TIME; $query->whereRaw("((visit_time + {$diffNums}) - {$currentTime} > 0) AND current_status = 1 AND check_status = 2"); }]] )->count(); //已来电 $mobileTotal = MarketCustomer::where($where)->where([[function($query) { $query->where('check_status', '=', 2)->where('current_status', '=', 1); }]])->count(); //已到访 $visitTotal = MarketCustomer::where($where)->where([[function($query) { $query->where('check_status', '=', 2)->where('current_status', '=', 2); }]])->count(); //已缴费 $payTotal = MarketCustomer::where($where)->where([[function($query) { $query->where('check_status', '=', 2)->where('current_status', '=', 3); }]])->count(); //已成交 $dealTotal = MarketCustomer::where($where)->where([[function($query) { $query->where('check_status', '=', 2)->where('current_status', '=', 4); }]])->count(); //已到访 + 已缴费 + 已成交 / 客户总数 $rant = 0; if ($total > 0) { $rant = $payTotal + $dealTotal / $total; } $rant = sprintf('%.2f', $rant); $data = [ 'total' => $total, 'check_total' => $checkTotal, 'report_total' => $reportTotal, 'mobile_total' => $mobileTotal, 'visit_total' => $visitTotal, 'pay_total' => $payTotal, 'deal_total' => $dealTotal, 'rant' => $rant, ]; return json_success('请求成功', $data); } /** * Notes: 导出数据 * User: yb * Date: 2024/8/17 * Time: 13:01 */ public static function exportData(Request $request) { $currentTime = time(); $diffNums = self::DIFF_TIME; $params = $request->get(); $where = self::commonSearch($params); if (!empty($params['custom_ids'])) { $customIds = $params['custom_ids']; $where[] = [function($query) use ($customIds){ $query->whereIn('id', $customIds); }]; } $list = MarketCustomer::where($where)->orderBy('visit_time', 'desc')->get(); if (!$list->isEmpty()) { $consultantKeys = []; //查询顾问信息 $consultantList = Consultant::select(['id', 'name', 'mobile'])->get(); if (!$consultantList->isEmpty()) { foreach ($consultantList->toArray() as $consultantItem) { $consultantKeys[$consultantItem['id']] = $consultantItem; } } $teamKeys = TeamService::getItemKeys(); $returnData = []; $genderData = ['', '男', '女']; $typeData = ['', '来电', '来访']; $currentStatusData = [-1 => '无效客户', 1 => '已来电', 2 => '已到访', 3 => '已缴费', 4 => '已成交']; foreach ($list as &$item) { $visitTime = $item->visit_time; $visitTimeStamp = strtotime($visitTime); $diff = ($visitTimeStamp + $diffNums) - $currentTime; $currentStatus = $item->current_status;//当前状态 $checkStatus = $item->check_status;//审核状态 if ($checkStatus == 1) { $currentStatusText = '待审核'; } if ($checkStatus == -1) { $currentStatusText = '已失效'; } if ($checkStatus == 2) { //审核通过 if ($currentStatus > 1) { $currentStatusText = $currentStatusData[$currentStatus] ?? ''; } if ($currentStatus == 1) { if ($diff > 0) { $currentStatusText = $currentStatusData[$currentStatus] ?? ''; } else { $currentStatusText = '已失效'; } } if ($currentStatus == -1) { $currentStatusText = '无效客户'; } } $returnData[] = [ 'name' => $item->name, 'mobile' => $item->mobile, 'mask_mobile' => self::handlePhone($item->mobile), 'gender' => $genderData[$item->gender] ?? '', 'type' => $typeData[$item->type] ?? '', 'consultant_name' => $consultantKeys[$item->consultant_id]['name'] ?? '', 'consultant_mobile' => $consultantKeys[$item->consultant_id]['mobile'] ?? '', 'team_name' => TeamService::getTeamName($teamKeys, $item->dept_id), 'current_status' => $currentStatusText, //当前状态 'visit_time' => $item->visit_time, 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime($item->created_at)) ]; } return json_success('请求成功', $returnData); } } /** * Notes: 对手机号加密处理 * User: yb * Date: 2024/8/8 * Time: 15:41 * @param $val * @return string|string[] */ public static function handlePhone($val) { return substr_replace($val, '****', 3, 4); } }