app.php 819 B

  1. <?php
  2. return [
  3. 'enable' => true,
  4. 'build_dir' => BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'build',
  5. 'phar_filename' => 'webman.phar',
  6. 'bin_filename' => 'webman.bin',
  7. 'signature_algorithm'=> Phar::SHA256, //set the signature algorithm for a phar and apply it. The signature algorithm must be one of Phar::MD5, Phar::SHA1, Phar::SHA256, Phar::SHA512, or Phar::OPENSSL.
  8. 'private_key_file' => '', // The file path for certificate or OpenSSL private key file.
  9. 'exclude_pattern' => '#^(?!.*(composer.json|/.github/|/.idea/|/.git/|/.setting/|/runtime/|/vendor-bin/|/build/|/vendor/webman/admin/))(.*)$#',
  10. 'exclude_files' => [
  11. '.env', 'LICENSE', 'composer.json', 'composer.lock', 'start.php', 'webman.phar', 'webman.bin'
  12. ],
  13. 'custom_ini' => '
  14. memory_limit = 256M
  15. ',
  16. ];